dribs and drabs
英 [drɪbz ənd dræbz]
美 [drɪbz ənd dræbz]
网络 点点滴滴; 点滴、少量; 点滴; 零零碎碎
- She with vivid and interesting and wise words, describes her collection the brooch dribs and drabs.
她以生动有趣又充满智慧的文字,叙述了她收藏胸针的点点滴滴。 - The food came in dribs and drabs.
食物零星地陆续送来。 - These achievements are my intervention to those weenie experiences of life. I mobilize all my energy to touch those dribs and drabs.
这些结果是我对生活细微体验的干预,我调动自身所有的能量去触碰那些微小的点滴。 - Love action, dribs and drabs, ordinary yet and great, these movements, this full love me unforgettable, stabbing.
爱的动作,点点滴滴,平凡却又伟大,这些动作,这满满的爱我永生难忘,刻骨铭心。 - Clients came in dribs and drabs.
顾客三三两两地来了。 - She had concocted the whole story from dribs and drabs of gossip picked up at back doors and in the shops.
她根据人们家里讲的和商店听来的闲言碎语拼凑成了这个故事。 - Through massif, feet high and low; Experience ups and downs, and also searching; Get busy life, more or less, lose dribs and drabs, important is open happy heart!
走过山山水水,脚下高高低低;经历风风雨雨,还要寻寻觅觅;生活忙忙碌碌,获得多多少少,失去点点滴滴,重要的是开开心心! - I'm half Punjabi, mixed with some English, a little French and dribs and drabs of God knows what else.
我有百分之五十的旁遮普血统,混合着一些英国血统,少量法国血统,还有一点点老天才知道是什么的其他血统。 - The hostages have been released in dribs and drabs.
人质被几个几个地释放了。 - Flux: The online HGL details have been leaking out in dribs and drabs over the months, causing an occasional scandal or outrage through miscommunication.